Published: Sep 17, 2024

Socio-Demographic Determinants of Insurance Literacy among University Students in Indonesia

Sep 10, 2024
Reza Yamora Siregar, Nada Serpina
Read Statistic: 128

Video-On-Demand Streaming Services Subscription Antecedents and Consequences: The Uses and Gratifications Theory Approach

Sep 10, 2024
256 – 281
Shofwah Syafira, Basu Swastha Dharmmesta
Read Statistic: 49

Rural Government Cooperation Intensity and Leadership in Fostering the Innovation Capabilities of Rural Microbusinesses

Sep 10, 2024
282 – 307
Ardy Wibowo, Defia Ifsantin Maula, Dani Fikri Setiawan, Muhammad Hisam
Read Statistic: 92

The Effect of Government Policy on Infrastructure Priorities on the Profitability of Construction Companies in Indonesia 2011-2019

Sep 11, 2024
308 – 327
Ahmad Rifai, Tony Irawan, Dikky Indrawan
Read Statistic: 51

Do the Characteristics of Startup Founders Matter for Funding Performance?

Sep 11, 2024
328 – 346
Rayenda Khresna Brahmana, Doddy Setiawan, Evan Lau, Maria Kontesa
Read Statistic: 38