Exploring Conflict Management Using Qualitative Approach

  • Zaleha Yazid National University of Malaysia
Keywords: conflict management, qualitative


This paper focuses on qualitative methods in researching the area of conflict management, specifically in Self-Managed Project Team (SMPT). The research aims to explore the evolvement of conflict management strategies in SMPT as this type of team is given the responsibility to solve problems and make decision by themselves. The inductive approach will overcome the limitation of quantitative method in management research as one of its objectives is to explain the different elements of the explored social system and their interconnection. Hence, it aims at the contextual understanding of social behavior rather than extensive measurement. This paper also includes the research activities in details such as the data collection methods which involved semi-structured interviews and weekly telephone interviews. The findings of the research proposed that conflict management strategies in SMPT changes over time from confrontation and cooperative style towards avoidance due to the issues of reputation and the deadline.

Author Biography

Zaleha Yazid, National University of Malaysia

Senior lecturer at the School of Management, Faculty of Economics and Management, National University of Malaysia. She obtained her Ph.D. in Management from Strathclyde Business School, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, United Kingdom. Her research interests lie in the area of conflict management, leadership, project teams and qualitative research approach.


How to Cite
Yazid, Z. (2015). Exploring Conflict Management Using Qualitative Approach. Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business, 17(1), 65-82. Retrieved from https://jurnal.ugm.ac.id/v3/gamaijb/article/view/15502