Environmental Document for Rock Mining in Keposong Village

Problems of Spatial Planning and Public Participation

  • Weli Febrianto Hukum Lingkungan, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Keywords: Environmental document, rock mining, spatial planning, public participation


The article examines environmental documents on rock mining in Keposong Village, Boyolali Regency, Central Java, regarding spatial planning and public participation. In this case, the author employs an empirical legal research method with descriptive presentation. Based on the study, the author found that the preparation of the UKL-UPL environmental document was not carried out in accordance with applicable laws and regulations where the spatial plan and the mining location were outside the coordinates of the Mining Business License Area. In addition, public participation procedures were ignored when preparing environmental documents and environmental approvals for rock mining in Keposong Village, which affected residents and the environment.
