Dinamika Akomodasi Asas Kearifan Lokal Dalam Kebijakan Penataan Ruang di Kabupaten Kutai Barat

Keywords: Local wisdom, Environmental law, Spatial planning, Dayak Benuaq, Kalimantan


This article aims to examine how the principle of local wisdom is accommodated in spatial planning policy as an instrument to prevent pollution and/or environmental damage. In addition, this article also looks at the implementation and obstacles faced by policy stakeholders in applying the principle in the West Kutai Regency, especially in the context of the local wisdom of the Dayak Benuaq-Muara Tae Indigenous Peoples. Through empirical legal research, this article reveals that the principle of local wisdom has been outlined in legislation in this case UUPPLH and UUPR and technically outlined in Permen LHK No.34/2017 concerning Recognition and Protection of Local Wisdom in the Management of Natural Resources and the Environment. However, in its implementation, the principle of local wisdom in the Benuaq-Muara Tae Dayak Community in regional spatial planning policies has not undertaken optimally where the participation of indigenous peoples still seems tokenistic.
