Article Guidelines

General Guidelines

The Editorial Board directions entirely recognize substances that have been prepared according to writing rules as directed in Author Guidelines.

The article should be in soft copy format and submitted to, and please register your own author account for roles on Lembaran Antropologi Open Journal System with this link  Don't hesitate to contact for more questions or help.   

The article shall never be published or accepted for publication in any journal. The writer is responsible for the authenticity and copyrights of the article, including but not limited to photo illustrations and graphics.

The article is written in Bahasa Indonesia or English. The writer should ensure that the writing style is based on the standard of the academic language chosen. An article in Bahasa Indonesia must follow the Pedoman Umum Ejaan Bahasa Indonesia (PUEBI) format, and the article in English must follow the United States' standard.

The article must be submitted in .doc/.docx format using Times New Roman 12 pt and 1.5 spaces.

All pages of the article paragraph should be justified.

All references use body notes. Footnotes are only allowed for additional information.

Reference lists should only include literature actually cited in the articles.

We strongly recommend authors use reference tools, such as Zotero, Mendeley, Endnote, etc.


The article contains 5,000-7,000 words, excluding footnotes and a bibliography.

The size is at least 800 x 600 pixels to attach photos or maps in the article.

The article should comply with the following structure:

  • Title. 21 words maximum.
  • Abstract. Please attach an abstract with a maximum of 250 words in English and Bahasa, enclosing research objectives, methodologies, and results.
  • Keywords. It consists of 4-6 words.
  • Introduction. research background and problems
  • Substance. Every reference must be written.
  • Conclusion and reflection. Explanation of problems delivered in the introduction.
  • References. The references should follow the Chicago Manual of Style Guide, and mainly described in American Anthropology Association (AAA). For the complete instruction, please look Additional Guidelines section below.
  • Photo/Maps

Book Reviews

The text should be less than 2,000 words (footnotes and bibliography excluded). Books selected by book review must be published within the last two years.

Books reviewed can be academic or ethnographic works written by Indonesian and foreign authors.

The reviewers can provide books personally or access books provided through journal editors.

Reviewers can review at least one to two books on the same topic.

Photo Essays

Photo essays start with an introduction—a paragraph or two describing the essay's anthropological or social themes and several sample images.

 Keep in mind that all photo essays are published in grayscale and color. 

 Photo essays can contain 5-10 photographs.

The finished narratives will require 500-1,000 words (excluded captions) and photos at least 300dpi (each file should be at least 1MB to print well in the journal). 

The publisher or a co-author/photographer involved in the proposal must own the copyright to the images and provide descriptive captions for each.

Ethnography Film Review

Ethnographic film reviews can be written in 1,500-2,000 words (excluding footnotes and bibliography).

Film reviews can emphasize the anthropological aspect of criticism, involving the community context (social, political, economic, cultural, etc) in the film setting and criticism.

The genre of films reviewed can be documentaries, popular films, or a range of films that represent the socio-cultural dynamics of Indonesian and world society (not limited by the year or duration of the film).

We do not allow movie reviews in FTV, web series, or soap operas.

Additional Guidelines

Italic Words
Non-Indonesian words in Bahasa Indonesia articles and non-English words in English articles must be italicized. At the first use in the article, non-Bahasa Indonesia and non-English words must be enclosed with meaning.

In-text citations (Body Notes):

  • Place citations in parentheses and include the author's name and the source's year of publication, with no intervening punctuation, at the end of a sentence or before a comma or semicolon, whenever possible: (Ahimsa-Putra 2007).
  • Always include page numbers for quotations or extensive paraphrases, using an en dash for page ranges: (Ahimsa-Putra 2007, 146–47). 

Reference list

  • Do not compose a list of citations in endnotes.
  • Include every citation in the text, and do not add sources. List alphabetically according to the author's name.
  • When cited, list the names of the same authors chronologically from oldest to newest.


Tsing, Anna Lowenhaupt. 2015. The Mushroom at the End of the World: On the Possibility of Life in Capitalist Ruins. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Semedi, Pujo. 2003. Close to the Stone, Far from the Throne: The Story of a Javanese Fishing Community, 1820s-1990s. Yogyakarta: Benang Merah.

Book Chapters

Fauzanafi, Zam-zam. 2019. “Kewargaan Digital.” In Citizenship in Indonesia: Perjuangan atas Hak, Identitas, dan Partisipasi, edited by Ward Berenschot and Gerry van Klinken, 419-424. Jakarta: Yayasan Pustaka Obor.

Heryanto, Ariel. 2008. "Pop Culture and Competing Identities." In Popular Culture in Indonesia Fluid Identities in Post-Authoritarian Politics, edited by Ariel Heryanto,1-36. London and New York: Routledge.

Article from Newspaper:

Adri, Aguido. 2022. "Angin Perubahan Baik Berembus di Aik Mual."Kompas, June 29, 2022.

Article from Online Newspaper:

Figge, Katrin. 2020. "Expedition Content: A journey of sound into West Papua" The Jakarta Post, March 6, 2020.

Journal Articles

Ahimsa-Putra, Heddy Shri. 1985. “Etnosains dan Etnometodologi: Sebuah Perbandingan,” Masyarakat Indonesia, 12 (2): 103-134.

Ahimsa-Putra, Heddy Shri. 2012. “Fenomenologi Agama: Pendekatan Fenomenologi untuk Memahami Agama.” Walisongo. Volume 20, Nomor 2: 271-304.

Gibbings, Sheri Lynn., Elan Lazuardi., and Khidir Marsanto Prawirosusanto. 2017. "Mobilizing the Masses", Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia 173, 2-3: 242-272, doi:

Hidayah, Sita. 2012. "The Politics of Religion The Invention of Agama in Indonesia." Kawistara,  2 (2): 121-139.

Translated Work

Li, Tania Murray. 2020. Kisah dari Kebun Terakhir. Translated by Muhammad Iqbal, Nadya Karimasari, and Ronny Agustinus. Tangerang Selatan: Marjin Kiri. 

Thesis or dissertation

Masardi, Realisa Darathea. 2021. "Independent Refugee Youth in Waiting: Social Navigations while in Transit in Indonesia". PhD diss., Universitieit van Amsterdam.