The Quality Services of Agrowisata Hortimart Agro Center Bawen Sub-District, Semarang District

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Mochammad Deni Saputra
Jangkung Handoyo Mulyo
Agus Dwi Nugroho


The objectives of this research are: 1) determine the level of service quality and the satisfaction of visitors with the service quality provided by agrotourism Hortimart Agro Center and 2) determine the correlation between visitor’s appraisal on the service quality with the characteristics of visitors agrotourism Hortimart Agro Center which is a complement to the analysis, as well as the element of novelty of this research. The method used to determine the service qualities is SERVQUAL and IPA, while customer satisfaction on the quality of service is known by the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI). Furthermore, the correlation test was applied to determine the correlation between visitor appraisal on service quality and visitor characteristics. This research used primary data that comes from interviewing 40 people as respondents. The result of SERVQUAL shows that three dimensions have negative gap value, namely tangible, responsiveness, and assurance, while the other two dimensions (reliability and empathy) has a positive gap value. IPA analysis results show that there are six attributes located in quadrant I as the main priority for improved performance, ten attributes located in quadrant II which must be maintained its achievement, and seven attributes in quadrant IV are overvalued. There are no attributes that are in quadrant III in the Importance Performance Matrix. The result of the CSI method shows that the level of visitor satisfaction is 82.42%. The value is in the range of 81-100%. Thus the overall visitor is very satisfied with the service performance. The research data’s correlation test obtained the correlation between visitors’ appraisal of the service quality with visitors’ characteristics (age, sex, education, and income).

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How to Cite
Saputra, M. D., Mulyo, J. H., & Nugroho, A. D. (2020). The Quality Services of Agrowisata Hortimart Agro Center Bawen Sub-District, Semarang District. Journal of Agribusiness Management and Development, 1(1), 67-77. Retrieved from