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Volume 6 (1), 2022
1. Kemampuan Menulis Makalah Ilmiah pada Mata Kuliah Psikolinguistik Mahasiswa Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia (PBSI) FKIP Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta
Ari Wulandari*, Susetyo, Rika Novita Kusumaningrum
Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta, Indonesia
The objectives of this study are to determine the ability of students Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia (PBSI), FKIP, Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta (UPY) in writing scientific papers; and to find out the difficulties of students in writing scientific papers. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The population in this study were PBSI students who were conducted in the odd semester of the 2021/2022 academic year. The sample is 31 students of class G-1 who take Psycholinguistics courses. Data in the form of scientific papers were collected in the middle of the semester of Psycholinguistics lectures. The scientific paper was analyzed using research instruments. The writing ability assessed includes five aspects, namely (1) ideas, (2) organization, (3) grammar, (4) diction, and (5) spelling. Based on the assessment, each is categorized into five, namely (1) very good with a score range of 86-100, (2) good with a score range of 68-85, (3) sufficient with a score range of 48-67, (4) less with range of values from 32 to 47, and (5) very less with a range of values <32. The results of this study stated that 31 students or 100% got an average score of 78.15 with the highest score of 83 and the lowest score of 72. This category of scores was included in good. Their abilities in expressing ideas, organization of essays, and choosing diction are good. Their shortcomings are average in terms of grammar and spelling.
2. Strategi Penipuan pada Teks Fake News Berbahasa Prancis Terkait Emmanuel Macron di Media Sosial
Annisa Fitriani Kalsum1, Merry Andriani1
Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
Social media has made it easier for people to access information, especially related to viral news. However, this convenience has not only had a positive impact but has provided space for the transmission of false information (fake news). This study examines how the characteristics of fake news texts are to trick social media users into false information. The object of the research is in the form of fake news text in French related to Emmanuel Macron which has been verified as fake news by the fact-checking platform. Through qualitative descriptive methods and Fairclough textual analysis, five fake news text fraud strategies were found, namely (1) loading provocative invitations, (2) manipulating data through images, (3) manipulating information through grammar, (4) manipulating facts through media sources, (5) includes clickbait and provocative titles. Furthermore, Emmanuel Macron in the fake news text is represented as a leader who has a negative image with the aim of provoking the public.
3. Philology and The Great Islamic Civilization: from Judeo-Arabic to The Arabicized Greek Works
Moch Ali
Faculty of Humanities, Airlangga University, Indonesia
Artikel ini membahas tentang kekhasan sains Islam yang menjadi penanda identitas kemunculan peradaban Islam yang dimulai sejak era kenabian hingga era kekhalifahan Mughal di India dan kekhalifahan bani Umayyah di Andalusia. Peradaban Islam sebenarnya terkait dengan semangat ‘Sanskrit cosmopolis’ yang teksnya ternyata telah migrasi ke kawasan Arabia sejak era pra-Islam hingga mapannya sains Islam di India pada masa dinasti Mughal di India. Elemen-elemen teks Weda berbahasa Sansekerta dan karya-karya bertradisi Yunani telah mengalami revitalisasi dan memperkaya tradisi keilmuan Islam. Aksara Judeo-Arab yang menjadi penanda tradisi Rabbinik sebenarnya tidak dapat dilepaskan dari kontak budaya yang intens dalam ranah keagamaan antara keyahudian dan keislaman yang dimulai sejak era kenabian. Pemanfaatan teori yang digagas oleh Sheldon Pollock dalam tulisan ini memang sangat relevan, terutama terkait ‘Sanskrit cosmopolis.’ Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif melalui studi pustaka yang relevan dengan kajian manuskrip berbasis bahasa Sansekerta, Ibrani dan Yunani, dan Arab, dan teks-teks yang telah mengalami proses arabisasi dianalisis sesuai kaidah kajian filologis.
4. Pengaruh Citra Tubuh terhadap Budaya Konsumsi pada Perempuan
Nafi Ibdiyana Musyarrifani
Program Studi Pariwisata, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
Women view their bodies more negatively than men and this affects their body image. Body image is a person's evaluation of his physical appearance, other people's perceptions of his body, and how his body is adapted to these perceptions. This paper will focus on discussing the arguments about how women's body image affects their consumption culture. The research method used is literature study of secondary data from book sources, online journal articles, and data published on the internet. It was found that the construction of the ideal body in society was shaped by the capitalist popular culture industry and supported by the mass media. This construction creates a standardization of the definition of ideal beauty. Not only that, the patriarchal culture that places women as symbols of beauty that fulfills aesthetic functions in the household also influences their consumption culture. In addition to being the market object of capitalism's products, women are also the main consumers of products that are believed to help increase satisfaction with their body image, such as beauty, fitness, health, and fashion products.
5. Arsitektur Indis: Magelang dalam Perubahan Sejarah Kota 1906-1942
Adyt Alkautsar, La Ode Rabani
Faculty of Humanities, Airlangga University, Indonesia
This study discusses the architecture of Indische buildings at Magelang Town in 1906-1942. This study uses historical research methods consisting of heuristics, source verification, data interpretation and historiography. The entry and development of Indische architecture in Magelang Town coincided with the increasingly intensive colonial government in exploiting natural resources in order to increase commodity exports. This building with Indische architecture in Magelang Town developed from 1906 to 1942 along with the fulfillment of the facilities and needs of the Dutch people who were intensively running the bureaucracy in Magelang Town. The facilities and needs referred to are infrastructure, especially housing, offices, and defense as illustrated in residential buildings, schools, lodging, hospitals, and other public facilities. In 1942, Indische architecture no longer developed in line with the end of Dutch rule in the Dutch East Indies. However, some of the Indische buildings in Magelang Town are still maintained by the community.