Comparison of Family Function and Mental Emotional Health of Adolescents in a State Junior High School, Modern and Traditional Boarding Schools

Betty Nuning Widyaningsih(1*), Carla R. Marchira(2), Mora Claramita(3)
(1) Puskesmas Pituruh; Indonesia
(2) Department of Psychiatry; Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing; Universitas Gadjah Mada; Indonesia
(3) Department of Medical Education & Bioethics; Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing; Universitas Gadjah Mada; Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author
Background: Emotional and mental disorders can be experienced by all adolescents in both state junior high schools and in boarding schools. Students live with their parents and relatives at home in the state junior high schools. In contrast, in boarding schools, students must live independently, away from their parents, adapt to different boarding school environments, and are obliged to obey regulations. Objectives: To find out whether there are differences in family functions as well as emotional and mental disorders of adolescents in state junior high schools and modern and traditional boarding schools. Subjects: 433 adolescents aged 12-16 years were categorized into 191 adolescents in state junior high schools, 136 adolescents from modern boarding schools, and 106 adolescents from traditional boarding schools. This study used descriptive analytic designs with multivariate comparative approach methods. Instruments: Using the Family APGAR (Adaptability, Partnership, Growth, Affection, and Resolve) and Strength and Difficulty Questionnaire (SDQ) questionnaires, the total difficulty score was a combination of hyperactivity score, emotional score, behavior score, and peer score. A power score was considered a pro-social (behavior that supports others) score. Results: Function measurement of adolescents’ families in state junior high schools and modern and traditional boarding schools showed a highly functional Family APGAR score, p=0.265 (p>0.05). The adolescent SDQ score in state junior high schools was abnormal in the total score of difficulty and the hyperactivity score classification but borderline on peer score. The adolescent SDQ score in modern boarding schools showed abnormal results in a total difficulty and hyperactivity score, with a borderline peer score. SDQ scores of adolescents in traditional boarding schools were abnormal on the total score of difficulty and borderline on peer score. Conclusion: There was no significant difference in function between adolescents in the state junior high schools and modern and traditional boarding schools. However, there were significant differences between emotional and mental disorders of adolescents in state junior high schools and modern and traditional boarding schools. This mental health concern requires promoting and preventive efforts of a holistic family approach between adolescents, parents, teachers, and family doctors.
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