Review of Primary Care Practice and Education (Kajian Praktik dan Pendidikan Layanan Primer)

Review of Primary Care Practice and Education (Kajian Praktik dan Pendidikan Layanan Primer)

This journal published by the Department Family and Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada collaborate with College of Indonesian Primary Care Physicians (starting from Februari 2020 is known as the Indonesian Society of Teachers in Family Medicine). The journal secretariate is at Faculty of Medicine Universitas Gadjah Mada, under the Department of Family and Community Medicine. Review of Primary Care Practice and Education (RPCPE) is designed to fulfill scientific information within the scope of primary care practice and education, for health professionals, general practitioners, educators and preceptors who are working at ambulatory care clinical settings. This journal is one of efforts towards stregthening primary care practice and education in Indonesia, regional Asia Pacific and the world.The journal was established by several faculty of medicine, as the National Board of Indonesian Primary Care Physicians who strive for better primary health care services and education in Indonesia.

Review of Primary Care Practice and Education (Kajian Praktik dan Pendidikan Layanan Primer) / RPCPE is starting with Vol.1 No.1 with ISSN 2613-943X of its print version and 2620-5572 of its online version in accordance with the policy of Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Republic of Indonesia. The journal is bilingual in purpose to provide ways of communication between Indonesia and centre of primary care excellences in other parts of the world. Review of Primary Care Practice and Education (Kajian Praktik dan Pendidikan Layanan Primer) is using Open Journal System requiring all writers to register in advance before they are allowed to upload the manuscript they write online. Afterwards, the editors, peer reviewers, and writers can monitor the manuscript processing. The submission process of a manuscript is open throughout the year. All submitted manuscripts will go through the double-blind peer review and editorial review before being granted with acceptance for publication.

Review of Primary Care Practice and Education established in January 2018 and published three times a year (January, May and September). Due to the editorial team's latest decision, we decided to change the journal's publication period from once every 4 months to every 6 months with the number of articles in each publication being 5 articles (1 concept paper, 5 research articles, adn 1 case report). This decision is effective from the issue of Volume 5 Number 1 of 2022.

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Issue Period Change


Due to the editorial team's latest decision, we decided to change the journal's publication period from once every 4 months to every 6 months with the number of articles in each publication being 7 articles (1 concept paper, 5 research articles, adn 1 case report).

This decision is effective from the issue of Volume 5 Number 1 of 2022.

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In the Volume 3 Number 3 edition contains a concept paper about the COVID-19 pandemic  
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Vol 7, No 1 (2024): January

Table of Contents


Wahyudi Istiono, Hari Kusnanto Josef
10.22146/rpcpe.98108 Abstract views : 354 | views : 77

Concept Paper

Mora Claramita, Yulia Dewi Irawati
10.22146/rpcpe.98083 Abstract views : 563 | views : 76

Research Articles

Diah Krisnansari, Rahmawati Wulansari, Fadhila Husnannisa
10.22146/rpcpe.97563 Abstract views : 801 | views : 185
Dewanto Andoko, Hendrik Hendrik, Shirley Moningkey, R Wianti Soeryani, Veli Sungono
10.22146/rpcpe.97566 Abstract views : 729 | views : 157
Yogi Fitriadi, Noor Afif Mahmudah, Fitriana Murriya Ekawati, Siti Rizki Fauziah, Inggong Ngang, Adelina Novita Nababan, Mora Claramita
10.22146/rpcpe.88130 Abstract views : 745 | views : 136
Erlin Febrianti, Darien Alfa Cipta, Maria Esperanza, Marshell Timotius Handoko, Melanie Darischa Sembiring, Naftali Intania Kristianti
10.22146/rpcpe.82561 Abstract views : 688 | views : 126
Benedicta Venessa, Harry Freitag Luglio Muhammad, Fitriana Murriya Ekawati
10.22146/rpcpe.96103 Abstract views : 590 | views : 100

Case Report

Galuh Dyah Fatmala, Mora Claramita, Nurwestu Rusetiyanti
10.22146/rpcpe.93047 Abstract views : 765 | views : 126