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Transmisi Memori dan Trauma dalam Mother Land Karya Dmetri Kakmi: Kajian Postmemory

Andri Fernanda(1*)

(1) Universitas Bangka Belitung
(*) Corresponding Author



Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang bagaimana proses kreatif sebuah karya postmemory dalam proses transmisi memori dari generasi pertama ke generasi selanjutnya dan melihat gender memainkan peran penting dalam proses transmisi, serta bagaimana melihat gender dalam karya tersebut. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini untuk membongkar struktur transmisi memori traumatis Dmetri Kakmi dalam novel Mother Land serta melihat konstruksi gender terhadap kesan-kesan traumatis yang muncul di dalam karya tersebut. Peneliti menggunakan teori postmemory yang dicetuskan oleh Marianne Hirsch untuk melihat 1) Bagaimana transmisi memori dan peran gender dalam penulisan novel Mother Land karya Dmetri Kakmi; dan 2) Bagaimana peran gender di dalam novel tersebut. Hasil penelitian ini yakni: 1) novel ini dibentuk oleh dua transmisi, yaitu transmisi familial dari keluarga sehingga hal itu memunculkan imajinasi, serta transmisi afiliatif. Dalam proses transmisi, gender memainkan peran kepada siapa dan narasi apa yang diceritakan kepada post-generation; 2) Peran gender di dalam novel terlihat dari infantilized yang dilakukan terhadap kaum Yunani dan Hyper-masculinized yang dilakukan terhadap kaum Turki sebagai icon of destruction.

Kata Kunci: postmemory, trauma, transmisi, identifikasi, gender.



This research is a study about the creative process of a postmemory work in the memory transmitting process from the first generation to the next generation and the important role of gender in the transmission process, and the perspective of gender in postmemory’s work. The purpose of this research is to expose Dmetri Kakmi's traumatic memory transmission structure in his novel "Motherland" and to take a look at genderization in traumatic impressions that emerged in his work. The researcher used Postmemory theory initiated by Marianne Hirsch to perceive 1) the transmission memory and the role of gender in Dmetri Kakmi's "Motherland" novel;  and 2) the genderization process in that novel, and the results of this research: 1) Mother Land the novel is formed by two transmissions, familial transmission from the writer's family that led the writer to having an imagination of his late grandfather, and affiliative transmission. In the transmission process,  gender plays a key role in choosing who and what narration to be told to post-generation; 2) The gender roles in the "Motherland" novel can be found from such varied sources such as infantilized to the Greeks, and hyper-masculinized to the Turks as icon of destruction.


Keywords: postmemory, trauma, transmission, identification, gender.


postmemory, trauma, transmisi, identifikasi, gender

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Sumber Wawancara

Kakmi, Dmetri. 2017. Melbourne, Australia, November 03.


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