Revisiting Islamic Leadership: Clarifying Theoretical Issues
Randhy Nugroho(1*), Nadia Rachma Pratiwi(2)
(1) Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas YARSI, Jakarta, 10510, Indonesia
(2) Islamic Finance and Management, Durham University Business School, Durham University, Durham, DH1 3LB, United Kingdom
(*) Corresponding Author
Introduction/Main Objectives: Theory of Islamic Leadership emerged as a form of counter-hegemony to western perspectives of leadership. Background Problems: However, the lack of clarity in Islamic leadership theories, has put Islamic leadership in a dangerous ambiguity due to its overlapping nature to other contemporary constructs. Novelty: This study contributed on the mapping of the Islamic leadership on the world of leadership studies, to some extent the Islamic leadership has significant impact of the well-being followers. Research Methods: This research aims to clarify such issue by using employing integrative review as a method to critically examine the academic interpretation of Islamic Leadership and provide distinguishing features of Islamic Leadership. Finding/Results: This paper argue that 4 (four) features are critical to define Islamic leadership concept: first, the requirement of Islamic morality as the primary moral foundation; second, leadership is a requirement for every human being; third, the presence of outward and inward dimension of leadership and last, leadership as a means rather as an end. Conclusion: This paper concludes by discussing limitation and future research agenda to advance Islamic leadership.
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