Sibling Indices as Comparisons in Personal Identification Process through Short Tandem Repeats [STR] Loci CSF1PO, THOI, TPOX, vWA of Maduranese Ethnic in Surabaya

Ahmad Yudianto(1*), Fery Setiawan(2), Simon Martin Manyanza Nzilibili(3)

(1) Department of Forensic Medicine and Medicolegal, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga
(2) Forensic Science Master Program, Postgraduate School, Universitas Airlangga
(3) Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children – Tanzania
(*) Corresponding Author


Sibling indices can be used as a comparison through alleles Short Tandem Repeats [STR] loci. This is an observational study among Maduranese with 4 STR loci (CSF1PO, THOI, TPOX, vWA) obtained from their blood samples. The percentage of alleles shared: 82.5% [33 times] with 2 allele sharing, 12.5% [5 times] with 1 allele sharing, and 5 % [2 times] with 0 sharing alleles. Sibling indices (SI) calculation results: 65% of sibling indices pairs have SI greater than 100 and 15% of them were between 10-100 (strong and very strong). Sibling indices interpretation is supported; therefore, the claimed sibling indices relationships were indeed true among Maduranese ethnic group in Surabaya.


allele sharing; Maduranese; sibling indices; STR DNA

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