Utilization of Big Data Analysis Through Public Video, Virus Data Cooperation, and Social Media as the Surveillance to COVID-19 in Indonesia

Achmad Maulana Sirojjudin(1*)
(1) Department of Communication Studies, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author
This article discusses Big Data's use as a surveillance tool for the spread of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), both in Indonesia and the world. In Indonesia, the range of COVID-19 is increasingly sporadic, causing mass panic and Indonesia's geographical characteristics, which will be difficult when this spread could not control quickly. Researchers are conducting several studies to overcome this pandemic, including supervision, features, handling, mobility, patient interaction, treatment evaluation, and the biological structure. These studies become data and lead to Big Data. This article explores how to use Big Data analysis to monitor the spread of COVID-19 as a communication process that reflects mediated communication as a form of mobility and spatial relationships in communication practices. The method used in this article is a literature review and uses meta-synthesis techniques as its analysis. The literature sources used are articles in highly reputable international journals. Based on the reports, various ways to monitor the virus's spread, through public video data, GPS, and social media tracking, trace the patient's movement. Big Data can also provide data collaboration for viruses and pathogens for further research as digital mediated communication is anchored by the diversity of places and the mobility of people, data, and objects.
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