Kompleksitas Rezim di Uni Eropa: Upaya Penanganan Pengungsi dan Pencari Suaka
Lunyka Adelina Pertiwi
(1) Alumni S2 Hubungan Internasional FISIPOL UGM
(*) Corresponding Author
This paper discusses regime complexity in European Union regarding its efforts to handle the influx of refugees and asylum seekers. By using qualitative method, this paper explains to what extent of regime complexity in European Union and how Germany, as a superpower in European Union, parse the complexity. An analysing process applies concepts of regime complexity and strategic inconsistency. The paperconcludes that German try to parse the regimes network in European Union which is very complex and overlapping through strategic inconsistency, namely changing and maximizing its goods and externalities, and individual situation, so European Union successfully reduce the influx of refugees and asylum seekers and implement burden-share.
refugees and asylum seekers; regime complexity; strategic inconsistency; goods and externalities; individual situation.
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