Kesetimbangan Natrium di Dalam Campuran Biodiesel Gliserol
Supriyono(1*), Kurnia Wijayanti(2)
(*) Corresponding Author
Transesterifikasi adalah salah satu cara yang ditempuh didalam pembuatan biodiesel. Proses ini menggunakan katalisator NaOH. Keberadaan ion Na+ didalam produk biodiesel dapat mengganggu kinerja mesin karena menimbulkan kerak yang menyumbat nozzle dari sistem pembakaran, dengan alasan ini kandungan maksimal Na+ oleh Uni Eropa dibatasi sejumlah 5 mg/kg biodiesel. Penggunaan NaOH sebagai katalisator transesterifikasi lebih banyak difokuskan pada tujuan pencapaian konversi reaksi tertinggi yang dapat dicapai, sedangkan Na+ yang terikut pada produk biodiesel belum mendapatkan perhatian yang cukup. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mereaksikan minyak jarak pagar dengan metanol sebanyak 3 kali kebutuhan stoikiometrisnya di dalam labu leher tiga yang dilengkapi dengan kondenser, sedangkan sebagai katalisator digunakan NaOH. Hasil reaksi akan membentuk dua fasa yaitu gliserol dan biodiesel. Selanjutnya kandungan Na+ pada tiap fasa dianalisis. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan apabila ditinjau dari sisi thermodinamika dengan tinjauan melalui excess Gibbs free energy , maka konsentrasi maksimal NaOH yang boleh digunakan untuk transesterifikasi minyak biji jarak adalah sebesar 0,0015% berat minyak.
Kata kunci: Transesterifikasi, kelarutan, NaOH, excess gibbs free energy
Transesterification is one of the processes for producing biodiesel. The process involves the use of liquid catalyst such as NaOH. However, the presence of Na+ ions in biodiesel accelerates the scale formation and aggravates the combustion engine performance. Therefore, the maximum concentration of Na+ is about 5 mg / kg biodiesel to minimize the effect. Recently, the focus study of transesterification using NaOH as a catalyst is achieving higher conversion. Meanwhile, the reduction process of Na+ remaining in the biodiesel has not yet been studied. The experiments were carried out in a three-neck flask equipped with a reflux condenser where jatropha oil was reacted with methanol. The amount of methanol was 3 times of the stoichiometric molar ratio, while NaOH was used as catalyst. The concentration of Na+ both in the glycerol and biodiesel phases were analyzed. Based on the excess Gibbs free energy, the maximum concentration of NaOH for transesterification of Jatropha oil was 0.0015% weight.
Key words: Transesterification, solubility, NaOH, excess Gibbs free energy
Kata kunci: Transesterifikasi, kelarutan, NaOH, excess gibbs free energy
Transesterification is one of the processes for producing biodiesel. The process involves the use of liquid catalyst such as NaOH. However, the presence of Na+ ions in biodiesel accelerates the scale formation and aggravates the combustion engine performance. Therefore, the maximum concentration of Na+ is about 5 mg / kg biodiesel to minimize the effect. Recently, the focus study of transesterification using NaOH as a catalyst is achieving higher conversion. Meanwhile, the reduction process of Na+ remaining in the biodiesel has not yet been studied. The experiments were carried out in a three-neck flask equipped with a reflux condenser where jatropha oil was reacted with methanol. The amount of methanol was 3 times of the stoichiometric molar ratio, while NaOH was used as catalyst. The concentration of Na+ both in the glycerol and biodiesel phases were analyzed. Based on the excess Gibbs free energy, the maximum concentration of NaOH for transesterification of Jatropha oil was 0.0015% weight.
Key words: Transesterification, solubility, NaOH, excess Gibbs free energy
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