Multiplisitas Wajah Rahim: Karya Seni sebagai Narasi Feminis (Refleksi atas Pameran Tunggal Dewi Candraningrum “Dokumen Rahim”)

Ratna Noviani(1*)
(1) Universitas Gadjah Mada
(*) Corresponding Author
associated with pregnancy. Metaphorically, womb is perceived as the origination of
things that are brought to life with the pour of an intense feeling of affection. The womb
is an act of creation, a document of maternal procreation. This article is a refl ective
reading of ‘Womb Document’, a solo painting exhibition by a feminist female artist,
Dewi Candraningrum. She tries to move away from what is considered aspure, selfreferential
and apolitical art. Artwork is a feminist narration. Clusters of her mostly
female portraiture paintings and sketches represent multiple faces of womb, which have
been resided in the margins of hegemonic discourse. She uses aesthetic conventions
in her visual artworks, which are different from those applied in the canon. Dewi has
considered visual artworks as part of political arts, which should take a side and
emancipate the considered Others.
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