Dinamika Ketahanan Sosial Wilayah Pada Pemilu Serentak 2024 (Studi Di Provinsi DKI Jakarta)


Karyono Karyono(1*), Stanislaus Riyanta(2), Eko Daryanto(3)

(1) Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia
(2) Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia
(3) Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author


The vulnerability of the Governor Election originating from the political dimension had a potential impact on regional social resilience in DKI Jakarta Province because it threatened the unity and integrity of the nation in general and the social harmony of the DKI Jakarta community as happened in the 2017 DKI Jakarta elections. The effect also occurred in the 2019 presidential election because of the division of society in the implementation of the 2019 DKI Jakarta elections. This background had become the researcher's curiosity to captured the implementation of the Governor Election 2024 in DKI Jakarta Province through data collection from November to December 2023.

This research used mixed methods through quantitative data collection from IKP 2024 as secondary data to be tested with alternative vulnerability measurements from qualitative data through semi-structured interview techniques from 27 informants. The vulnerability analysis method used was from the perspective of Hank Prunckun.

As fact finding as the root cause of the problem and the fundamental source of the vulnerability was the existence of a black campaign using SARA issues so that some strategies needed to be formulated to mitigated the risk. The formulation of the strategies that could be delivered include: [1] Using of the Law No. 7/2017 and the authority and function of Bawaslu institutionally to optimized the existence of Gakkumdu to took firm action against black campaigns with SARA issues so that the community harmony on DKI Jakarta Province was maintained; and [2] Using of the Law No. 7/2017 and the authority and function of Bawaslu institutionally to optimized the existence and social functions of the Religious Leaders (Toga), the Traditional Leaders (Todat), the Community Leaders (Tomas), and the Community Communication Forums in DKI Jakarta Province to educated the public that the black

campaigns with SARA issues were not in accordance with the noble values of the Indonesian Nation so that the community harmony on the DKI Jakarta Province was maintained.



Regional Social Resilience; Simultaneous Elections of 2024; Election Vulnerability; Politic Vulneraribility.

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1. Munandar Nugraha (Ketua Baswaslu DKI Jakarta),

2. Christian Nelson Pangkey (Ketua Bawaslu Jakarta Pusat)

3. Dr. Ade Reza Hariyadi (Akademisi/Pengamat Politik)

4. Halman Muhdar (Koordinator Devisi Pencegahan dan Partisipasi Bawaslu Jakarta Pusat)

5. Yudho Negoro (Intelkam Jaksel)

6. Ahmad Fahlevi (Koordinator Devisi Pencegahan Bawaslu Jakarta Selatan)

7. Lensi Gumay (Koordinator Devisi Penanganan Pelanggaran Bawaslu Jakarta Selatan)

8. Imam Bashori (Intelkam Mabes Polri)

9. Burhanuddin (Koordinator Devisi Pencegahan dan Partisipasi Masyarakat)

10. Ronal Reagen (Koordinator Devisi Pencegahan Bawaslu Jakarta Utara)

11. Willem Wetik (Ketua Bawaslu Jakarta Timur)

12. Taufik Hidayahtullah (Koordinator Devisi Pencegahan Bawaslu Jakarta Timur)

13. Ahmad S. Fajar (Koordinator Devisi Penanganan Pelanggaran Bawaslu Jakarta Timur)

14. Irwan Supriadi Rambe (Anggota KPU DKI Jakarta)

15. Abdul Roup (Koordinator Devisi Pencegahan Bawaslu Jakarta Barat)

16. Anta Bacin (Koordinator Devisi Penanganan Pelanggaran Bawaslu Jakarta Barat)

17. Ahmad Fiqri (Koordinator Devisi Pencegahan Bawaslu Kepulauan Seribu)

18. Ulil Amri (Koordinator Devisi Penanganan Pelanggaran Bawaslu Kepualauan Seribu)

DOI: https://doi.org/10.22146/jkn.100747

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