Yustitie Mart"ya Hermawatie(1*), Prihatiningsih - -(2), Rahardjo - -(3)

(1) Bedah Mulut dan Maksilofasial
(2) Bedah Mulut dan Maksilofasial
(3) Bedah Mulut dan Maksilofasial
(*) Corresponding Author


Ameloblastoma is a common odontogenic tumor located in jaws, benign but agresif and locally invasive which has high recurrent rate.. There are many histolopathological variant of ameloblastoma. Plexiform, follicular and acanthomatous are the most common type of ameloblastoma according to histopathologycal variant.
The aim of study is to make an observation of the differetiation and correlation about CD10 and AKT expression in three different histopathological type of ameloblastoma and to evaluate aggresiveness of them. All the subject were derrived from
laboratorium of pathology Dr. Sardjito Hospital, in form of parafin block of ameloblastoma of Prof. Dr. Sardjito Hospital, Yogyakarta,  January 2010 until August 2015. There are 23 inclusion samples with three main histopathological be the subjects, each subjects stained by HE, CD10 and AKT, and the immunoscore taken to compare the immunoexpression and correlation between CD10
and AKT in each group.
The result of Kruskal-Wallis test reveals that there is a significant difference of CD10 and AKT immunoscore between group of plexiform, follicular and acanthomatous. Mann Whitney test reveals that plexiform CD10 immunoscore higher than follicular, but there is no significant difference CD10 immunoscore between follicular and acanthomatous, and between plexiform and acanthomatous. Mann Whitney test reveals that follicular AKT immunoscore higher than plexiform, and acanthomatous AKT immunoscore higher than plexiform but there is no significant difference AKT immunoscore between follicular and acanthomatous.
Rank-Spearman test reveals that there is correlation between CD10 and AKT in each ameloblastoma type. Follicular has stronger coefficient correlation than plexiform, otherwise in acanthomatous type there were a correlation of CD10 and AKT but not significant. Based on statistical analysis all the type of ameloblastoma show aggresivity, but follicullar type more aggresive character than
plexiform and acanthomatous


CD10, AKT, ameloblastoma, plexiform, folicullar, acanthomatous

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