Association of Mushroom Cultivation and Ozonolysis as Pretreatment for Enzymatic Saccharification of Sengon(Falcataria moluccana) Sawdust

Denny Irawati(1*), Soekmana Wedatama(2), Futoshi Ishiguri(3), Shinso Yokota(4)

(1) Faculty of Forestry, Universitas Gadjah Mada
(2) Faculty of Forestry, Universitas Gadjah Mada
(3) Faculty of Agriculture, Utsunomiya University
(4) Faculty of Agriculture, Utsunomiya University
(*) Corresponding Author


Wood industry based on sengon (Falcataria moluccana) material has developed rapidly and cause the huge wastes. Lignocellulosic materials, such as sengon sawdust, offer a great potential as cheap and abundant feedstock for biofuels production. Ozone oxidation pretreatment was carried out on sengon wastes to improve fermentable sugar production by enzymatic saccharification. Sengon wood (SW), sengon media (SM), and sengon spent media (SMM), that was waste of media after mushroom cultivation, treated with ozone for different treatment time were enzymatically saccharified. Then the decrease of hydrolysis weight, reducing sugar yield, and monosaccharide yields were determined. Ozone treatment resulted in Klason lignin degradation in the all samples, resulting in the improvement of subsequent enzymatic saccharification. Ozone treatment with the duration more than 30 min was not suitable for SMM sample. Glucose yield after saccharification from the ozone-treated sample for 60 min was the highest among all samples in SW and SM treated, but for SMM it was 30 min. Based on these results, we concluded that mushroom cultivation can reduce the ozone time treatment and it is an effective treatment to improve sugar yield by enzymatic saccharification of sengon wastes.


Gabungan Pra-perlakuan Ozonolisis dan Budidaya Jamur Sebelum Sakarifikasi Enzimatis Serbuk Kayu Sengon (Falcataria moluccana)


Industri kayu berbahan baku kayu sengon (Falcataria moluccana) saat ini tengah berkembang dengan sangat pesat dan hal ini menyebabkan timbulnya banyak limbah kayu sengon. Materi lignosellulosa, seperti limbah serbuk kayu sengon, merupakan potensi yang sangat baik sebagai bahan baku bio-fuel karena murah dan banyak tersedia. Praperlakuan dengan oksidasi ozon pada limbah kayu sengon dilakukan untuk meningkatkan produksi gula reduksi melalui proses sakarifikasi enzimatis. Serbuk sengon (SW), media sengon (SM), dan limbah media sengon (SMM), yang merupakan sisa dari media budidaya jamur, diberi perlakuan dengan ozon pada berbagai lama waktu perlakuan. Sampel yang sudah diberi perlakuan ozon tersebut kemudian dianalisis kandungan kimianya dan di-sakarifikasi secara enzimatis. Selanjutnya diukur laju hidrolisis, kadar gula pereduksi, dan kadar monosakarida. Perlakuan dengan ozon menyebabkan degradasi kadar Klason lignin di semua sampel, sehingga mengakibatkan peningkatan kemampuan sakarifikasi dari enzim. Perlakuan ozon dengan lama waktu lebih dari 30 menit tidak sesuai untuk sampel SMM. Kadar glukosa hasil sakarifikasi yang tinggi diperoleh dari sampel SW dan SM yang diberi perlakuan ozon selama 60 menit, serta SMM yang diberi perlakuan 30 menit. Berdasarkan hasil ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa perlakuan jamur dapat mengurangi lama waktu perlakuan ozon dan praperlakuan efektif untuk meningkatkan kadar gula reduksi yang dihasilkan dari sakarifikasi enzimatis limbah kayu sengon.


enzymatic saccharification; ozone treatment; reducing sugars; sengon; spent media

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