Haryo Kuncoro(1*)

(1) Mahasiswa Universitas Gadjah Mada
(*) Corresponding Author


People argue that employment is concerned with the numerical matters. This is
because any discussion about employment problems always refers to the quantitative
data such as labor force, employment opportunities, and the most important figure is
open unemployment rate. Therefore, the employment problems are presumably
identical to create the jobs widely. However, stressing merely on the quantitative
aspects is quite risky to understand the employment problems completely.
This article attempts to identify some qualitative aspects in evaluating the
success of the jobs creation. Based on the conceptual analysis proposed, we
concluded that creating the jobs as much as possible is necessary condition but not
sufficient to achieve the goals of economic development. It means that the government
should consider not only the quantitative aspects but also the qualitative aspects.
Indeed, the employment is one of the greatest obstacles for any government in the

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