Author Guidelines
Please read carefully. The Journal only accepts manuscripts that meet the Harvard Reference Style Guide. Any manuscript written indifferentformat will NOT be reviewed.
Due to the need for correspondence, all authors' personal contacts are required. Please provide mail address, phone/mobile number, and office/home address in the author's information file.
Required administrative documents upon submission:
Dear author(s), please be notified that you MUST SUBMIT the following four (4) administrative documents together with the article, if not, your article is not processed. The article should be submited online (this ojs platform) whereas, the following four (4) administrative documents must be sent to our mail: but NOT as supplementary files.
All manuscripts should be typed on one side of good quality A4 papers and be double-spaced, except for indented direct quotations. All manuscripts have to be written concisely according to research subject and method, usually between 20-30 pages.
Margins (left, right, top and bottom) should be at least one inch.
To assure a blind review, authors should not identify themselves directly or indirectly in their papers.
A cover page should include the title of the paper, the name(s) ofauthor(s), position and affiliation, any acknowledgment, and footnote indicating whether the author(s) would be willing to share data. A manuscript should be submitted via online in MS Word format 2003.
All pages, including tables, appendix and references, should be serially numbered.
Spell out numbers from one to ten, except when used in tables and lists, or mathematical, statistical, scientific or technical units and quantities, such as distance,weightand measure. For instance, four days; 5 kilometers; 25 years. All others numbers are expressed numerically. It is generally required that numbers be in written form. Forexample:It is approximately ten years...
Percentage and Decimal Fraction, for non-technical purpose, use percent in text; for technical purpose, uses % symbol.
Keywords, four keywords must be provided at the end of the abstract such that they would be easier to locate in the index.
An abstract, with 100-300 words length, should be presented on a separate page immediately preceding the text of the manuscript. An abstract should be relativelynon-mathematical, and provides the details about the paper’s purposes, researchmethods and findings as well as its contributions. Neither the author’s name nor his/her affiliation should appear on the abstract page.
Authors should pay attention to the following format and style:
When submitted for review, all tables and figures (graphs) should be included directly in the appropriate part of the article (not separated). Each table or figure should be numerically numbered and fully titled, which refer to the contents of the table or figure. Underneath of each table and figure, add reliable source.
References for each graph should be mentioned inmanuscriptwithout any exception.
Graphs should be easily interpreted without referring to the text.
Lines that refer to sources and notes should be included in the text.
Equations, equations should be numerically numbered in parentheses with align-right margin.
Manuscripts should be cited in a “author-year system.” Authors should mention the pages of the referred manuscripts.
In text, manuscripts should be cited with this way: last/family name and year in a parenthesis; example: (Andoyo, 1991), for two authors (Andoyo & Hutabarat, 1992), more than two authors (Andoyo et al., 1993), two manuscripts or more by one author (Andoyo, 1991, 1993).
To avoid ambiguity, do not use “P”,”pp”, or “page” before the page number but use colon: for example: (Andoyo, 1991: 121).
If there are more than one reference written by the same author and in a same issue, use suffix a, b, and so forth after year in a citation; example: (Andoyo, 1991a) or (Andoyo, 1991a; Hutabarat 1992b).
If an author’s name is mentioned in a text, it is unnecessary to be mentioned again in reference, example: “Andoyo (1991: 121) said ..."
A quotation that refers to institutional work should use acronym or abbreviation; example: (Komite SAK-IAI, PSAK28, 1997).
Use at least 80% of the reference articles from top tier international journals. Each manuscript should include references which contain referred texts. Each entry should contain all required data. Use the following format:
To assure the validity of the references, make sure that the references provide adequate information (e.g., volume, number, page, publisher, city, URL address and accessed date)
For any non-English articles, please write down the translation of the article in brackets [ ] after the original article’s title. Note that the original article should be written in italic.
Arrange references alphabetically according to last/family name of the first author or institution.
Use initial name for author's first name.
Issue year should be placed after author’s name
Manuscript’s title should not be shortened
If there are two or more manuscripts by the same author referred in the article, arrange chronologically according to the year of issue. Two or more manuscripts by the same author should be distinguished with a letter (a, b, c, etc.) immediately preceding date.
Examples of entries are as follows:
For Periodical Issues
Bovens, M., Schillemans, T., & Hart, P.T., 2008, “Does Public Accountability Work? An Assessment Tool.”, Public Administration 86(1), 225–42.
Bringselius, L, 2014, “The Dissemination of Results from Supreme Audit Institutions: Independent Partners with the Media?”, Financial Accountability and Managament 30(1), 75–95.
For Books/Monographs
Gladwell, M., 2000, The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference, Little, Brown, Boston.
Soss, J., Fording, R.C., & Scram, S.F., 2011, Disciplining the Poor: Neoliberal Paternalism and the Persistent Power of Race, University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
For articles in collective works
Zukofsky, L., 1931, “Sincerity and Objectification”, Poetry 37(Februari), 269, dikutip dalam Costello, B., Moore, M., 1981, Imaginary Possesions, Harvard University Press, Cambridge.
For magazines, non-published papers, dissertations/theses, seminar papers, etc., follow the aforementioned guidelines
Culcasi, K.L., 2003, “Cartographic Representations of Kurdistan in the Print Media.” Thesis Gelar Master. Syracuse University.
For internet source(s) with author’s name
Brooks, S., 2011, “Longtime Library Director Reflescs on a Career at the Crossroads.” University of Wisconsin-Madison News, 1 September, diakses pada 14 Mei 2012, dari
For internet source(s) without author’s name
Harap tuliskan nama organisasi/perusahaan, seperti berikut:
StatSoft, Inc., 1997, Electronic Statistic Textbook, Tulsa OK, StatSoft Online, diakses pada 27 Mei 2016, dari
Footnote, Footnote cannot be used as a reference. It should be used only for broad information that may distract reading continuity if included in a text.Footnote should be typed single-spaced and numerically numbered with an Arabic superscriptnumeric, and should be placed at the end of the text.