A Study on Egg Preservation Using Different Concentration of Acetic Acid and Limestone Solution

S. Surjoseputro(1*), H. Purnomo(2), T.D.W. Budianta(3)

(1) Widya Mandala Catholic University (Surabaya), Faculty of Food Technology and Nutrition
(2) Faculty member of Brawijaya University (Malang), Faculty of Animal Husbandry
(3) Widya Mandala Catholic University (Surabaya), Faculty of Food Technology and Nutrition
(*) Corresponding Author


The art of egg preservation by dipping in limestone solution has been known for
centuries and this traditional procedure which extend the shelf-life of fresh egg has not been subjected to scientific study. Accordingly, the potential exists to technology and shelf-life of fresh egg need to be explored. This study comprises of two experiments i.e. the combination of different concentration of acetic acid (1%, 2% and 3%) with 10%, 12.5%, and 15% limestone solution as the first experiment. while the second one used the same concentration of solutions but first the eggs were dipped in acetic acid solution, then in the limestone solution. Combination of 1% acetic acid and 12.5% limestone solution could significantly extend the shelf-life of fresh egg up to 10 days (P<0.05), while dipping the egg into 3% acetic acid solution then into 12.5% limestone solution can significantly extend the shelf-life up to
15 days (P<0.05).


Egg Preservation, Concentrattion, Acetic Acid, Limestone Introduction

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