Goat supply from Enrekang, South Sulawesi to East Kalimantan: A long and winding road

Mawardi A. Asja(1*)

(1) Faculty of animal science, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author


East Kalimantan (Kaltim) has a low goat population and an expanding human population and demand for goats. Enrekang Regency is one of the suppliers of this demand. This paper describes the goat supply chain to Kaltim, identifies areas for improvement and the possibilities for export. It is based on interviews and focus group discussions with farmers and traders from Enrekang and collectors/traders along the chain via Polewali, Majene and Mamuju and then via ferry to roadside sellers in Balikpapan and Samarinda. Male goats are mainly sold for cultural ceremonies for which they are preferred, while smaller females are sold to roadside warungs, mostly for sate. Prices of 20-30 kg goats in Enrekang fetch about Rp30,000/kg, but sell for about Rp50,000/kg in Kaltim. Goats pass through four main parties in the chain, with a range of transport methods, and feeding and watering of goats along the way is problematic. The length of this chain when combined with the small size of the enterprises involved means it is almost impossible to deliver a large consistent line of animals as would be required to export to other countries such as Malaysia.


goat, consumers, export, cultural influences

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