Blood Biochemical Profile of Repeated Breeding Friesian Holstein Grade Cows in The Dairy Processing Unit Faculty of Animal Science Gadjah Mada University

Diah Tri Widayati(1*)

(1) Fakultas Peternakan, Universitas Gadjah Mada
(*) Corresponding Author


The study was conducted to determine the profile of glucose, cholesterol and blood ureum nitrogen (BUN) of repeated breeding Friesian holstein grade (FHG) cows in Faculty of Animal Science, Gadjah Mada University (UGM). Eighteen heads of FHG cows were equally distribution into repeated breeding and normal cycling groups. The blood samples were collected through caudal vertebrae vein for three times a week. The blood samples were analyzed for plasma glucose, plasma cholesterol and BUN in the Research and Development Integrated Laboratory (LPPT) UGM, then the data were analyzed using T-test. The result showed that there was no significant difference of glucose and cholesterol concentration between the repeat breeding and normal cycling cows. The averages of glucose and cholesterol of repeated breeding cows were 58.53± 3.86 mg/dl and 154.81± 16.64 mg/dl, whereas of normal cycling cows were 61.47± 8.87 mg/dl and 196.06± 82.02 mg/dl. Futhermore, there was a signficant difference of BUN between the repeated and normal cycling. The averages BUN of repeated breeding and normal cycling FHG cows were 31.99±4.80 mg/dl and 28.10±3.97 mg/dl. It could be concluded that repeated breeding FHG cows have similar glucose and cholesterol concentrations in the normal cycling, however the BUN concentration of repeated breeding FHG cows is higher than in normal cycling.


Repeated breeding; Friesian holstein grade cows; Glucose; Cholesterols; Blood ureum nitrogen

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