The Case of Helminthiasis on Beef Cattle at Slaughter House in Indonesia

Retno Widyani Sarwoko(1*), Ida Hera Wati(2)

(1) Muhammadiyah Cirebon University
(2) Laboratory of Animal Health, Losari, Cirebon, West Java.
(*) Corresponding Author


A healthy and prosperous Indonesian society is the goal of our nation. Healthy Indonesian nation will be achieved when   eating   nutritious food. One of the most nutritious and important foods is food products of animal origin such as eggs, milk and meat. Meat health is obtained if the slaughterhouse meets the hygienic requirements and the animal is also healthy. The main problem of people's livestock is helminthiasis, so this research is done to know the case of helminthiasis in beef cattle in slaughter house in some cities in Indonesia. The method used in this study is a survey to collect data helminthiasis in Batembat RPH  Cirebon City, West Java  and study of research results in some RPH in big cities in Indonesia.            The results indicated  that RPH in several cities in Indonesia such as Jakarta, Medan, Pontianak and Palembang showed that cattle were infected lightly. The meaning that the meat provided for the community was good enough and the supervisory function.  The veterinary public health order had been good. Only in Middle of Tapanuli cases of serious infected pharamphistomiasis category. It needs a serious effort to break the Paramphistomum sp life cycle so that people can consume meat that is safe, healthy, whole and halal (ASUH).


Helminthiasis; Beef Cattle; Slaughter House; ASUH

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