Agriculture is the mainstay of the people of the most tropical countries where billion of people live. Within agriculture, a high priority is placed on livestock rearing by development groups or individuals due to the large role of farm animals play in the economies of the countries. Livestock is an integral part of agriculture system. Many poor rural households raise livestock, which is valued for its contribution to family nutrition and income, as a capital reserve, and for social obligations and prestige. There is very little on-farm and off-farm processing of livestock products; which translates to low income for farmers and little in the way of job creation. The government should therefore as a matter of urgency give industry investors incentives such as tax relief, or subsidized land to invest in agro-processing of livestock. Therefore, government as the facilitator and policy maker has to initiate the collaboration between rural farmers and animal industries. Industry of agro-processing at the farm level improves rural incomes by adding value to products at source thereby saving on transport cost. It delivers high-value/low volume products and creates opportunities for the use of by-products as inputs in other farm operations such as animal feeds, manure, and fuel. The link between government, companies, and community should go together with other institutional frames such as academic institution and non governmental organizations. All of these institutional frameworks recognize the opportunities livestock production and marketing systems offer poor people in terms of increasing food security, providing income opportunities and sustaining farm production. The question is now how do we translate research and development frameworks into practical implementation plans at international level and into useful activities at the local level to enhance the contribution of animal industry and livelihoods of the poor especially in the tropics?

The 7th International Seminar on Tropical Animal Production (ISTAP 2017) is a forum for the presentation of recent knowledge and technology regarding animal production. It provides a perspective and insight into tropical animal production systems and sustainable local resource management.
Topics of interest for paper submission :
- Feed and animal nutrition
- Animal biotechnology
- Animal breeding
- Animal health and welfare
- Poultry science and management
- Small ruminants production
- Cattle and buffalo production
- Animal waste and by-product
- Post-harvest technology
- Food technology
- Food Safety and Halal Food industry
- Livestock industrial machinery
- Livestock business and management
- Social and community involvement
- Environmental issues
- Other issues related to the theme of conference