Load Flow Allocation to Improve the Fairness of MW-Mile Method


M. Bagas Syaatnuartoro(1*), Sasongko Pramono Hadi(2), Sarjiya Sarjiya(3), Yusuf Susilo Wijoyo(4)

(1) Universitas Gadjah Mada
(2) Universitas Gadjah Mada
(3) Universitas Gadjah Mada
(4) Universitas Gadjah Mada
(*) Corresponding Author


In a deregulated power system, an appropriate wheeling cost is required to provide valuable economic information to market participants, such as generation and transmission companies. The load flow method is used in power wheeling to determine the condition of the existing system after the wheeling participant is added to the system.  In the load flow method, it can be seen how much power is generated from a generator. However, the power flow method cannot determine wheeling generator allocation to the power flow in each transmission network. For this reason, power tracing will be used to determine the wheeling generator allocation. Power tracing is also a solution that could improve the fairness of determining wheeling costs. This paper discusses the power tracing method to determine load flow allocation for wheeling generators using the genetic algorithm (GA) method. GA is one of the optimization techniques, where in power tracing with GA, the load flow allocations (LFA) problem will be assumed as an optimization problem. Calculation with tracing and without tracing will be compared to demonstrate the benefits of the proposed technique. Experimental results showed that the MW-mile method with LFA yielded more expensive wheeling costs than the conventional method. The cost is more expensive due to the absence of cost reduction as in the conventional MW-mile method, and wheeling users pay wheeling costs based on the transmission usage. Although wheeling costs are high, the LFA method provides a fair price because wheeling users pay a fee based on the actual usage. In the future, another power tracing may be used to help determine wheeling costs.


Power Wheeling;MW-Mile;Load Flow Allocation;Tracing;Genetic Algorithm.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22146/ijitee.70431

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