Gadjah Mada Journal of Tourism Studies

Gadjah Mada Journal of Tourism Studies is a peer-review scientific tourism journal published two-times a year by Tourism Study Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada. It publishes research reports, conceptual works, empirical studies, theoretical applications and book reviews in the fields of tourism studies written by researchers, practitioners, policy-makers or tourism enthusiasts. Gadjah Mada Journal of Tourism Studies has previously named Tourisma: Jurnal Pariwisata (ISSN 2088-4672).

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Gadjah Mada Journal of Tourism Studies welcomes artciles submission compatible with the journal's aforementioned focus and scope.

General Requirements:

  1. The article is related to tourism studies and its relevant fields.
  2. The article has not been published elsewhere or being considered to be published elsewhere.
  3. The author should declare the originality of article through providing a written statement clarifying the originality of article and does not contain any aspects of plagiarism.
  4. The articles suitable for being published including research reports (laboratory, field and archives), conceptual ideas, studies and theory application.
  5. The article should be send to the journal's corresponding email: with subject: ARTICLE SUBMISSION.
  6. Please see our author's guideline section for further details of article's submission. 
Posted: 2021-03-02
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Vol 6, No 1 (2024)

Gadjah Mada Journal of Tourism Vol 6, No 1 (2024) has been published and is available online. It's a free and open-access journal that provides selected credible research articles on tourism studies, discussing common issues and updates. We will publish the articles for this edition sequentially by the finished layout-production stage. Just so you know – several articles have been completely served below, while others are being processed in the layout-production stage and will be freely available to you soon. Enjoy reading!

Table of Contents


Wiwik Sushartami
10.22146/gamajts.v6i1.97675 Abstract views : 12 | views : 8


Rahmat Gunawan, Sondang Hukum Parulian Manik
10.22146/gamajts.v6i1.95565 Abstract views : 12 | views : 12
Mila Yuliana Prasetyo
10.22146/gamajts.v6i1.95691 Abstract views : 0 | views : 0
Lutfi Syahwa Syahrani
10.22146/gamajts.v6i1.96121 Abstract views : 4 | views : 0
Muhammad Dzaky, Akbar Bagus Nugroho
10.22146/gamajts.v6i1.95932 Abstract views : 12 | views : 4
Rucitarahma Ristiawan
10.22146/gamajts.v6i1.95724 Abstract views : 8