Pengurusan Surat Model Hibrid: Pemanfaatan Aplikasi E-Surat Dalam Pengurusan di Dinas Kearsipan dan Perpustakaan Provinsi Jawa Tengah

Eristi Dwi Al Mubarok(1*), Dyah Tri Wulansari(2)

(1) Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana RI
(2) Dinas Kearsipan dan Perpustakaan Daerah Provinsi Jawa Tengah
(*) Corresponding Author


This article examines the hybrid model of mail handling carried out by the Archives and Libraries of Central Java Province. Management using the e-Surat application was developed to facilitate the management and distribution of incoming and outgoing mail, besides that there is also a reference for uniformity in managing incoming and outgoing mail automatically. Despite utilizing the e-Surat application in mail handling. Dinarpus Central Java still carries out conventional mail management activities such as receiving, checking, disposing and signatures.  Analytical descriptive method is used in describing the object being studied. Data collection used three methods, namely, participatory observation, interviews and literature study. Participatory observation was carried out through direct observation and practice of letter handling activities at Dinarpus Central Java. Interviews aim to obtain information through sources who are directly involved in mail handling activities using the e-Surat application. Literature study is a technique of collecting data from various library materials to strengthen the analysis and exposure conducted by the author. The use of e-Surat applications in management activities at Dinarpus Central Java is a hybrid model of letter management that combines electronic and conventional letter management. The e-Mail application has a significant impact on the smooth running of mail management activities, both in handling incoming and outgoing mail. This shows that the features contained in the e-Surat application have not been fully used because they are still constrained by regulations on the development stage being carried out by Dinarpus Central Java.


mail handling; hybrid model; e-Surat; mail

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