Tingkat kolaborasi, produktivitas penulis dan artikel metrik pada Jurnal Mechatronics,Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology


Noorika Retno Widuri(1), Abdurrakhman Prasetyadi(2*)

(1) LIPI (Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia)
(2) LIPI (Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia)
(*) Corresponding Author


Introduction. Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical power, and Vehicular (MEV) technology is a scientific journal in the field of electric power and mechatronics. Based on the preliminary observation, limited bibliometric studies have been found in the field of electric power and mechatronics.  This research was conducted to study the collaborative level of authors, productivity level of authors, and analyze metric article in Journal of MEV.

Data Collection Method. This research used qualitative descriptive method using bibliometric approach. Data were collected by recording the names of authors and their collaboration from 2010-2016..

Data Analysis. The collaborative level was analyzed by using Subramanyam formula to calculate the frequency of authors’ productivity.

Results and Discussions. The results showed that collaborative level of Journal of MEV was 0.89. The results showed high tendency for authors to write in a collaborative group.. It was found that Estiko Rijanto became  the most productive author with 12 articles. Based on research groups, authors from the mechatronics research group were found as the most productive. The probability of current research trend were found to have a relation to automatic braking devices/braking methods (klas 62-783.52).

Conclusions. Collaborative level in the field of electric power and mechatronics published in Journal of MEV was relatively high.


Level of collaboration; Productivity of author; Article metric; MEV Journal

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22146/bip.33408

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