Bung Hatta, Proklamator, Ilmuwan, Penulis dan Karya-Karyanya: Sebuah Analisis Bio-Bibliometrik


Maryono Maryono(1*)

(1) Perpustakaan Universitas Gadjah Mada
(*) Corresponding Author


Bung Hatta was the proclaimer of independence, first vice president of the Republic of Indonesia. He was also a scientist and a very prolific writer with his work in various fields of study. His works discuss economic issues, cooperation, politics, law, philosophy, religion, and others. Out of 163 titles of his writings, 69 titles (4.2(X) are available in Hatta Corner, not including translations and works that may still be issued. Bibliographic data of his works are largely obtained from the online catalog of various institutions; i.e. OCLC World Cat 46 titles, Bibliography by the Idayu Foundation 26 titles, NLA 8 titles, Hathitrust 5 titles, the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia 4 titles, JSTOR 4 titles, and Bihliotheek Arnhem 1 title. There are 8 titles ofBung Hatta's works that have been translated into various languages, including Bung Hatta defense manuscript while he was in jail and would face the Hague trihunal, in March 1928, entitled 7ndonesie Vrij!". His most productive period was in the decade of 1951-1960, aged 49-58, with as many as 47 titles of writing. His greatest contributions were in the field of human rights, political and social economy. His works became guide for the governance of the Republic ofIndonesia.


Mohammad Hatta, Bung Hotta, Proclaimer, Productivity Authorship, Bio-bibliometrics

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22146/bip.10033

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