Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

Deskripsi Jurnal Arsitektur dan Perencanaan (JAP)

Jurnal Arsitektur dan Perencanaan (JAP) diterbitkan pertama kali tahun 2004 oleh Jurusan Teknik Arsitektur dan Perencanaan Fakultas Teknik Universitas Gadjah Mada. Sesuai dengan namanya, jurnal ini mempunyai misi sebagai media pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, khususnya dalam bidang arsitektur dan perencanaan. Area tulisan dalam jurnal ini sangat luas, mulai dari teknologi bangunan, arsitektur, disain kota, sampai perencanaan lingkungan kota, dan beberapa derivasinya. Cakupan penulisan mulai dari teori maupun praktik yang ditulis dengan kaidah-kaidah penulisan ilmiah yang baik dan benar. JAP direncanakan terbit 2 kali dalam setahun.

The Description on Journal of Architecture and Planning Studies (JAP)

Journal of Architecture and Planning Studies (JAP) was first published in 2004 by Department of Architecture and Planning, Faculty of Engineering, Gadjah Mada University. As the name implies, this journal has a mission as a medium for the development of science and technology, especially in architecture and planning studies. JAP has broad topics of writing, ranging from technology of building, architecture, city design, to urban environmental planning and its derivations. The coverage of writing in JAP starts from theories to practices, and they are
well-writen according to the correct scientific writing rules. JAP is planned to publish twice a year.


Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

Prosedur Review

Redaksi akan menyerahkan tulisan yang telah diterima kepada sidang redaksi untuk menentukan review bagi tulisan yang telah diterima. Pada dasarnya setiap tulisan akan direview oleh seorang ahli (mitra bestari) yang berkompeten di bidang yang menjadi fokus tulisan. Sistem yang dipakai adalah ”double blind” proses, di mana mitra bestari tidak akan mengetahui penulis, dan sebaliknya penulis juga tidak akan mengetahui nama mitra bestari.
Berdasar hasil review pertama, Sidang Redaksi akan menentukan prosedur lanjutan dari sebuah tulisan, diterima dengan perbaikan minor; diterima dengan perbaikan mayor, atau ditolak. Tulisan yang telah direview dan memerlukan perbaikan, akan segera dikirim kepada penulis kontak yang tertera dalam tulisan. Selain substansi tulisan yang diatur dalam proses review, Redaksi juga berhak meminta perbaikan teknis, sebelum tulisan benar-benar diterbitkan. Waktu perbaikan harus memenuhi ketentuan seperti yang diberikan. Setelah proses perbaikan selesai, dan tulisan dinyatakan siap terbit, maka penulis juga harus menyerahkan pernyataan pengalihan hak cipta bagi distribusi tulisan kepada Redaksi JAP atau Penerbit. Semua tulisan yang masih dalam proses review, menjadi tanggung jawab redaksi dan redaksi akan bertanggung jawab terhadap kerahasiaan isi tulisan. Semua tulisan dan dokumen lain yang telah diserahkan kepada redaksi tidak akan dikembalikan.
Redaksi menghimbau bagi tulisan yang ditulis dengan bahasa Inggris dan penulis tidak sebagai penutur asli, sebaiknya mencantumkan hasil review bahasa, sebelum diserahkan ke redaksi.

Procedure Review

The Editor will submit all papers received to editorial staff to determine the paper review. Basically, every article submitted to editorial staff will be reviewed by a competent expert (mitra bestari). The system used is “double
blind” process, where the mitra bestari will not recognize the author, and the author will not recognize also the name of the mitra bestari.
Based on the results of the first review, Editor Meeting will determine the continuation procedures of a paper, which are: accepted with minor revision, accepted with major revision, or rejected. Papers reviewed and in need of revision will be sent to the authors according to the listed contacts. The Editor has a right to regulate the writing substance in review process and to request technical improvements, before the writing is actually published. The revision period has to meet the requirement. After revision process is completed and papers are declared to be ready to publish, the authors must submit a statement of copyright transfer toward the writing distribution to the JAP Editor or Publisher. All writing in the review process becomes the responsibility of the Editor and the confidentiality of the writing contents is guaranteed. All papers and other documents submitted to the Editor will not be returned.
The Editor suggests to Indonesian authors who submit their English written papers to include the language review before it submitted to the Editor.


Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.


Journal of Architecture and Planning Studies

Journal of Architecture and Planning Studies (JAP) was first published in 2004 by Department of Architecture and
Planning, Faculty of Engineering, Gadjah Mada University. As the name implies, this journal has a mission as a
medium for the development of science and technology, especially in architecture and planning studies. JAP has
broad topics of writing, ranging from technology of building, architecture, city design, to urban environmental
planning and its derivations. The coverage of writing in JAP starts from theories to practices, and they are
well-writen according to the correct scientific writing rules. JAP is planned to publish twice a year.