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Allen Kurniawan(1*), Nura Adithia Dewi(2)

(1) Jurusan Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Kampus IPB Dramaga, Bogor, 16680.
(2) Jurusan Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Kampus IPB Dramaga, Bogor, 16680.
(*) Corresponding Author



Sistem penyaluran air limbah merupakan bagian penting dalam sistem prasarana perkotaan. Tujuan penelitian ini merancang konfigurasi sistem penyaluran air limbah domestik dan memodifikasi sistem drainase skala mikro di Kota Bogor untuk memenuhi debit penggelontoran. Data penelitian berupa data sekunder dari instansi terkait, studi pustaka, dan hasil beberapa penelitian terdahulu. Perkiraan jumlah penduduk setiap kelurahan pada tahun perencanaan 2035 menggunakan metode geometrik. Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (IPAL) dibangun pada dua lokasi yaitu IPAL 1 di Kelurahan Bantarjati dan IPAL 2 di Kelurahan Mekarwangi. Perencanaan blok pelayanan sebanyak 254 buah dan jumlah manhole sebanyak 334 buah. Perhitungan kebutuhan air bersih menghasilkan nilai debit jam puncak air limbah (Qjp) rata-rata sebesar 5,75 L/detik. Debit air bersih menghasilkan perkiraan sebesar 80% air limbah. Nilai Qp pada inlet IPAL 1 sebesar 0,59 m3/detik dengan diameter 900 mm, sedangkan nilai Qp pada inlet IPAL 2 sebesar 1,42 m3/detik dengan diameter 1000 mm. Pengaliran air limbah diusahakan secara gravitasi dengan kedalaman galian maksimum sebesar 6 m. Sistem drainase skala mikro dirancang untuk memenuhi debit penggelontoran. Perhitungan intensitas hujan terpilih menggunakan Metode Sherman. Titik penggelontoran sebanyak 53 titik dengan debit penggelontoran rata-rata sebesar 0,03 m3/detik. Debit saluran drainase rata-rata sebesar 0,25 m3/detik.


Sewerage system is an important part of the urban infrastructure. The research objectives were to design a system configuration domestic wastewater sewerage and modify drainage systems in Bogor City for flushing discharge. The research used secondary data from relevant institutions, literature, and the results of previous researches. Estimated of the population of each village in 2035 used geometric method. Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) would be constructed in two locations in Bantarjati and Mekarwangi Village. Planning of services area included 254 blocks and the number of manholes were 334. Clean water which produced peak hours flowrate (Qph) was 5.75 L/sec. Water flowrate produced an estimated of 80% wastewater flowrate. Q peak at the inlet of the WWTP 1 was 0.59 m3/sec with diameter of 900 mm, while Q peak at the inlet of the WWTP 2 was 1.42 m3/sec with diameter of 1000 mm. The stream of wastewater carried out by gravity with the maximum digging depth of 6 m. The system of micro-scale drainage was designed to supply flushing flowrate. Rainfall intensity calculation is done using the Sherman Method with period of 20 years rain repetition. Flushing points were 53 with flowrate average of 0.03 m3/sec. Drainage flowrate average was 0.25 m3/sec. Micro-scale drainage was designed rectangular. Result of the width and height average dimension were 0.43 m and 0.42 m, respectively.


air limbah domestik; debit penggelontoran; drainase skala mikro; pengolahan limbah; prasarana kota; domestic wastewater sewerage; flushing flowrate; micro-scale drainage; urban infrastructure; wastewater treatment


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