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MANAJEMEN KONFLIK DALAM PEMANFAATAN SUMBERDAYA ALAM DAN PELESTARIAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUP LEWAT PELAKSANAAN HUKUM ADAT SASI (Conflict Management in the Use of Natural Resources and Environmental Conversation through the Realization of Sasi Traditional Law)

Daniel Lucas Kusapy(1*), Cornelis Lay(2), Yosef Riwu Kaho(3)

(1) Program Studi Ilmu Politik Program Pasca Sarjana Universitas Gadjah Mada
(2) Fakultas Fisipol Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta
(3) Fakultas Fisipol Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta
(*) Corresponding Author



Hukum adat Sasi ditetapkan melalui institusi adat atau Pemerintahan Tradisional di desa. Hukum tersebut mencakup pola sanksi atau hukuman yang diberikan kepada pelanggar hukum. Pola hukuman adalah dalam bentuk denda material dengan membayar barang antik atau uang, Hukuman fisik berupa kerja paksa di kebun atau lingkungan desa, sedangkan sanksi sosial berupa pengucilan dari desa. Ditemukan bahwa warga masyarakat desa sangat patuh terhadap pelaksanaan hukum adat sasi. Hal ini karena tidak saja mereka takut terhadap sanksi, tetapi juga bahwa mereka menyadari bahwa hukum adat Sasi dapat mencegah konflik antar warga.



Sasi Traditional Law is determined through a traditional institution or Traditional Government in the village. It includes the patterns of sanctions or punishment which are applied to the offenders of law. The pattern of punishment is in the form of material fine using ancient, antique goods and money. The physical punishment is in the form of forced labor at the village gardens or environment, while the social sanction is in the form of punishment to eviction from the village. It is found that members of the village community are very obedient and submissive towards the realization of Sasi Traditional Law. This is because not only they are afraid of the sanctions but also they realize that the Sasi Traditional Law set them apart from conflict among the citizen.


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