Packed Bed Biosorption of Lead and Copper Ions Using Sugarcane Bagasse

Norwin Dale F Duga(1), Pauline Edrickke A Imperial(2), Allan N Soriano(3), Aileen D Nieva(4*)
(1) School of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry, Mapúa Institute of Technology, Manila
(2) School of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry, Mapúa Institute of Technology, Manila
(3) School of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry, Mapúa Institute of Technology, Manila
(4) School of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry, Mapúa Institute of Technology, Manila
(*) Corresponding Author
Bagasse, a waste material from sugarcane has been studied as a biosorbent for removing heavy metals, Pb2+ and Cu2+, in a continuous system using a packed bed column. This study was undertaken to determine the influence of varying the bed height and flow rate on the breakthrough and saturation time. Thomas, Adams-Bohart and Yoon-Nelson models were used to assess the effects of varying parameters and both Thomas and Yoon-Nelson models were found to be satisfactory to describe the column data obtained in the experiment. Moreover, lead ions are adsorbed more efficiently with an adsorption capacity of 4.54 mg/g compared to copper ions with 3.98 mg/g at the most feasible parameters having a flow rate of 100 mL/min and a bed height of 30 cm
biosorption; heavy metal; continuous system; packed bed column; sugarcane
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