Journal History

First published in March of 1961. Indexed by Scopus since 1976. Indonesian Journal of Geography in 1976 - 1998, the composition of the editorial team is as follows:

  • Chairman: Sugeng Martopo, Chief Editor of Surastopo Hadi Kusmarmo.
  • Editor: Kardono Darmoyuwono, R.Bintarto, Basuki Sudihardjo, R Sutanto, R.Pamardi.

Each issue has 4 articles on average, only has a printed ISSN, B5 paper size, and black and white print.

At that time there was no accreditation term but used the term “STT Penerbit Khusus” by Minister of Information Decree of the Republic of Indonesia No. 226/SK/DIRJENPP6/STT/1976. This letter was valid until 2002. In 2003, it was successfully accredited by the Ministry of National Education's Director General of High Education, Based on the Decree No. 34/DIKTI/Kep/2003.

Start Vol. 35 of 2003, the Indonesian Journal of Geography changed its Editorial composition:

  • Chairman: Sutikno, Chief Editor: Hadi Sabari Yunus
  •  Member: Sudarmadji, Ida Bagus Mantra, Suhrdjo, Kasto, Dulbahri, Hartono, Sutanto, M.J Titus.
  • Administrative Staff: Herang Widiasta

In 2004-2005 the editorial composition of the Indonesian Journal of Geography was:

  • Chairman: Sutikno, Chief editor: Hadi Sabari Yunus
  • Editor: M.J. Titus (Utrecht University, The Netherlands), Ulrich Scholz (Gieseen University, Germany), Sutanto, Ida b Agus Mantra, Kasto, Sudarmadji, Dulbahri, Hartono, Dewi Galuh Condrokirono
  • Administrative Staff: Herang Widiasta

Starting in 2013, the layout changed to 2 columns and A4 paper size. Since 2015, it has been indexed in Scopus and entered in the Q4 Journal Rank. In July 2017, it successfully entered the Q3 Journal Rank.