Strategi Pengembangan Website Marketplace “Kiose Pejawaran” dalam Mendukung Digitalisasi Pemasaran Komoditas Pertanian di Kecamatan Pejawaran (Studi Kasus Desa Karangsari dan Desa Sarwodadi)
Marketing has an important role in the agricultural commodity business cycle, and directly impacting the income of farmers. The marketing problems in Karangsari and Sarwodadi Villages, Pejawaran District include limited access to promotions of harvests from farmers and insufficient information on ready-to-harvest commodities for middlemen. This condition makes website-based online marketing necessary to overcome this problem. Through the website, farmers can easily promote their harvests and provide information on the status of harvest availability, while middlemen can easily determine purchases based on the quantity required. The objectives to be achieved from this learning and community service initiative are 1) understanding the conditions of agricultural commodity marketing problems from the perspective of farmers and marketing actors in Pejawaran District; 2) evaluating the usability of the "Kiose Pejawaran" marketplace website; and 3) formulating a strategy for developing the "Kiose Pejawaran" marketplace website using SWOT analysis. The service is carried out using data collection methods through interviews and training based on Forum Group Discussion (FGD). Furthermore, the testing method uses the System Usability Scale (SUS) with 10 questions as a benchmark for website performance as well as a SWOT matrix to formulate development strategies. The SUS test results obtained a final score of 57.875 which indicates the OK range, but shows the importance of making improvements and developments to increase suitability. Several elements of improvement and development are explained in detail in the SWOT matrix. Therefore, the "Kiose Pejawaran" marketplace website can be used well and requires continued maintenance and development.
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