The level of oxygen saturation in the blood (SpO2) and heart rate is one of an importent variables to determine the health of the body. The purpose of this research is to design and implement a non-invasive tool to measure the level of SpO2 and heart rate, so that the measurement of them becomes easier. To measure the level of SpO2 and heart rate is used the MAX30100 chip sensor, which consists of infrared led, red led and photo diode, and that are integrated with arduino uno and PC. By attach the left index fingertip on the MAX30100 chip sensor, then the sensor will transmit infrared and red lights through the fingertips and the blood molecules will absorption the lights, while the photodioda will detect the absorption of light by the physical properties of the blood molecules, so the level of SpO2 and heart rate per minute can be detected. Data connection between the MAX30100 chip sensor and Arduino nano is connected by I2C (Inter Integrated Circuit) which has a serial data path (SDL) and a serial clock path (SCL), and RS232 is used for connection to a PC. On the PC, the level of the SpO2, the value of heart rate and its signal will be displayed on the GUI so the results of measurement can be monitored and used to analyze body health. The test of tool was carried out on 20 people with range of age are 18 to 50 years by comparing the results of the tool that designed with an Elitech pulse oximeter tool, where the value of an average error of SpO2 is 0.84 % and heart rate is 1.6 %.
Copyright (c) 2022 Jurnal Nasional Teknologi Terapan (JNTT)

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