Every submitted article will be subject to single blind peer review. The normal review period is six months (depending on schedules). All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review based on initial editorial screening and refereeing by anonymous referees. Authors should take care that the manuscript contains no clues as to identity. Nevertheless, articles published under ‘Research Notes’ section, aimed at setting up future research agenda, are non peer-reviewed.

All selected articles will be subject to language editing. The PCD Press will provide native proof reader to suggest language revision.

A. Reviewer Guideline

Reviewers have obligations to ensure the manuscript reviewed in PCD Journal follows the criteria below:

  • Academic relevance

    Contributions for theory (theoretical debates and reflection), consistency and relevance between issue and the use of theory, contextualization to the present situation.

  • Arguments

    Clearness, logics, supporting data.

  • Originality/authenticity

    Ideas showing newness/novelty.

  • Systematic of writing

    Abstracts, clearness and correlation between introduction, description, theoretical framework, methodology, analysis, conclusion.

  • Writing techniques and citation

    Effective sentences, consistency in using citation mode, body notes.

B. Results Guide

  • Accepted

    The article is perfect and need no suggestions for improvement.

  • Minor revision

    The article has clear contribution, ideas, and arguments, but needs little improvements, i.e.: textual changes, additional data/results/sources. The changes are assumed can be gathered very quickly.

  • Major revision

    The article has clear contribution and ideas, but needs improvements in methodology, arguments, data, results, technical quality.

  • Rejected

    The article does not show clear contribution, ideas, and arguments.

C. Screening for Plagiarism

The manuscript that submitted into this journal will be screened for plagiarism using Turnitin.