Along with sustainability paradigms revolve among the global society, Circular Economy (CE) appears as a new economic model that is compatible with this paradigm. Globally, there have been numerous research related to Circular Economy, including replacing fast fashion with circular fashion. The fashion sector was responsible for approximately 2.1 billion metric tons of Green House Gas (GHG) emissions, amounting about 4% of the global total. Emissions are exacerbated by fast fashion due to the make-take-dispose system implemented at a rapid pace. Unfortunately, the issue of fast fashion remains underdeveloped, especially in the local context. This paper examines Circular Economy awareness from fast fashion consumers and local policy In East Kalimantan to provide a picture of the local context. The authors used open questionnaires to collect responses from fast fashion consumers and stores (H&M, Matahari, and Uniqlo) relating to the dimensions of the Circular Economy. To capture the local policy context, this research uses policy content analysis from the National Medium Term Development Plan (RJPMN 2020-2024) to the Regional Medium Term Development Plan (RJPMD) and its derivative regulations in East Kalimantan. This study found that there is a lack of awareness by fast fashion consumers, which can be seen from the reluctance of customers and stores adapting to CE dimensions. Circular economy has been internalized through national development planning harmonized regulation at the local level. East Kalimantan Development Planning emphasized more on economic growth by generating a creative economy instead of transforming the linear economy into a Circular Economy.
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