The significant implication of circular economy in China is the creation of eco friendly industry. Basically, circular economy can create jobs through waste management. The character of waste management in this industry is divided into three sectors, namely primary, secondary and tertiary. Job creation in the three sectors has different characters. At the primary industry a circular economy can create jobs in processing in agricultural and livestock waste. At the secondary level, the circular economy provides new jobs through the manufacturing waste processing industry. At the tertiary level, the circular economy provides employment through the provision of eco friendly building or factory design services. The work opportunities and the chance to work in circular economy sector will inevitably be followed by some challenges. Thus, the aim of the research to see how the Chinese government through the implementation of circular economy is able to create new jobs. The research found that the circular economy in china not only opens up new jobs because it opens up to waste processing industry but also has the potential to create new complex jobs, bringing together upstream and downstream industries in one area (regional jobs creation). In the future, the implementation of circular economy will create significant jobs opportunities in the secondary industry.
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