Pengembangan Inovasi Sosial Digital: Studi Kasus


social innovation
online shipping
traditional markets
social entrepreneurship

How to Cite

Farransahat, M., Damayanti, A., Suyatna, H., Indroyono, P., & Firdaus, R. S. M. (2020). Pengembangan Inovasi Sosial Digital: Studi Kasus Journal of Social Development Studies, 1(2), 14-26.


Belum ditemukannya vaksin COVID-19 membuat perkembangan inovasi sosial berbasis digital berkembang pesat, dan terbukti efektif dalam menanggulangi penyebaran COVID-19. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana proses pengembangan inovasi sosial berbasis digital merespon COVID-19 dilakukan. Ini dilakukan dengan mengambil kasus penelitian pada web-apps, yang merupakan sistem belanja daring pada pasar tradisional di DI. Yogyakarta. Metode penelitian kualitatif dilakukan dengan pengambilan data primer melalui observasi dan wawancara mendalam, sedangkan data sekunder melalui studi literatur. Hasilnya proses pengembangan inovasi sosial memiliki komponen penyusun yang sama dengan program kewirausahaan sosial. Diketahui kebaruan nilai sosial telah tercapai, namun belum diikuti dengan perubahan sistemik seperti yang diharapkan, karena masih membutuhkan waktu promosi lebih lama untuk meningkatkan jumlah pengguna.
Kata Kunci: inovasi sosial; belanja daring; COVID-19; pasar tradisional; kewirausahaan sosial

The absence of a COVID-19 vaccine has made the development of digital-based social innovation grow rapidly, and has proven effectively in tackling the spread of COVID-19. This paper aims to examine how the process of developing digital-based social innovation in response to COVID-19 is performed. It is done by research case on the pasarsambilegi. id web-apps, which is an online shopping system in traditional markets in the province of DI. Yogyakarta. The qualitative research method is carried out by collecting primary data through observations and in-depth interviews, while secondary data through literature studies. The results of the process of developing social innovation in has theidentical essential components as the social entrepreneurship program. It is identified that the novelty of social values has been achieved, but has not been followed by systemic changes as expected, owing to it takes longer time for promoting in order to increase the number of users.
Keywords: social innovation; online shopping; COVID-19; traditional markets; social entrepreneurship


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