Implementation biodiesel B30 in West Seno Bangka oil and gas offshore field located in Makassar Street East Kalimantan for supporting operation has been raised some issue, i.e: engine failed to start, unplanned stop of crew boat and filter blocking. In order to rectify the problem, Filter Blocking Tendency (FBT) and Particle Size Distribution (PSD) of B30 need to be observed and analyzed during storage at offshore for operational. The method FBT analysis based on ASTMD D2068-20 and PSD analysis based on ASTMD 7619-17. The number FBT and PSD increased over the time, the precipitation indicated occurred in B30 and lead some operational issues. Additive commercial Biostable put into biodiesel to reduce FBT and to maintain the stability B30. According to laboratory test, the additive was able to improve FBT and PSD during storage in 60 days observation. The Author then implemented additive in West Seno Bangka Field. Post applying Biostable, the FBT significantly reduced about 78% from 8.49 to 1.83. The improvement also indicated on PSD and maintain in good filterability. Based on the result, stability improvement and biodiesel quality improvement were achieved and reduced fuel filter replacement and increased reliability of equipment in West Seno Bangka Operation
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