An algal oil extracted from Tetraselmis sp. by a pulsed electric field (PEF) is evaluated by an extraction yield model. The yield model is developed based on the lipid mass transfer model during the extraction process approximation by PEF. In this study, the influence of three main variables of PEF, which are duty cycle , frequency , and treatment time on the yield obtained in the experiment were investigated. In the experiment, the microalgae samples were extracted in the PEF chamber which is constructed for a batch process for a maximum volume of 100 mL for each sample. The PEF chamber consists of 8 stainless-steel plates 100x120 mm in size with 1 mm thickness which is placed on a 165x145x42 mm acrylic base. Further, the results of the experiment are modelled to represent the effect of each of these variables. By determine the maximum yield (grams of extracted lipids per 100 grams of microalgae) = 60.7002, frequency efficiency constant = 9.4397, frequency efficiency constant = 0.4891, and time constant = 55.5239, the proposed model gives the lowest error at 10.03 %. in the case of different at fixed electric field =1.68 kV/cm, =1 Hz and =20 min.
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