Microalgae of Chlorella sp. is a type of microalgae that has the potential to be a raw material for biodiesel because of its high oil content. Utilization of microalgae Chlorella sp. requires an effective and efficient harvesting process, one of them is coagulation. Because that, in this study PAC use as a coagulan in the process of harvesting microalgae of Chlorella sp. The purpose of this study is looking for optimization of increasing the dose, Ph and deposition time on microalgae yield of Chlorella sp. The result of this study use Box – Bahnken method on Response Surface Method (RSM) shows the value of the optimal response to the yield of the microalgae Chlorella sp. of 4.95 grams with a combination of an additional dose of 0.75 g/l, a pH of 10, and a settling time of 10 minutes.
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