Designing PEM Electrolysis-Based Hydrogen Reactors In The Area of Baron Beach Of Yogyakarta, Indonesia


PEM Electrolyzer; Thermodynamic; Hydrogen; Electrolysis; Optimum.


This study aimed to design a PEM electrolysis-based hydrogen reactor and the potential for hydrogen production at Baron Beach, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta. Based on the calculation done at the initial process, the electrical energy potentially generated from renewable energy, such as wind, waves, and solar, reached 10.7 MW. This study also investigated the effect of reactor operating temperature on reactor efficiency and hydrogen production. A numerical thermodynamic approach was applied in the design process. The model, validated by laboratory experiments by other institutions, was in good agreement with previous research with an error value of 13%. The temperature range was dynamically limited from 30 to 80°C. The optimum operating conditions occurred when the temperature was set at 80 °C with a reactor efficiency, a water consumption rate, and a hydrogen production capacity of 76.3%, 2.817 kg/hour, and 250.42 kg/hour, respectively. The raw material, namely seawater, was processed using the reverse osmosis method. Ten reactors (with 13 cells per reactor) were installed in parallel.


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