Sulphurization of Kapok (Ceiba Pentandra ) Seed Oil via H2S Bubbling Under UV Radiation and The Product’s Performance as Extreme Pressure Additives for Lubricant
In this research, extreme pressure additive (EP additive) for lubricants was manufactured from Ceiba pentandra seed oil (kapok oil) via sulfurization reaction at a low temperature (50°C) by using a photochemical reactor under UV-radiation (254 nm). The sulfurization process was conducted by recirculating bubbling H2S gas through kapok oil filled in a glass chamber. The sulfurization reaction has been proven successful, as shown from the FTIR spectrum of the sulfurized kapok oil, where carbon-sulfur bond (C-S) vibration appears at a peak of 581 cm-1. It was also found that within 20 hours, the recirculated-bubbling sulfurization produced sulfurized kapok oil with a sulfur content of 32,682 ppm, viscosity of 72.17 cSt, and density of 0.92 g/cm3. The product was then used as an EP additive by mixing it with mineral oil and testing it using a 4-ball wear tester. The mineral oil containing sulfurized kapok oil 10% v/v or equal to sulfur content 3,268 ppm reduced wear amount by 98%. Results of corrosion tests via copper strip corrosion ASTM D130 showed that the copper strip’s color only had level 1a, meaning that mineral oil containing 10% Kapok oil as EP additives is not corrosive.
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