Wiji Lestari(1*)
(1) Pengelolaan Infrastruktur dan Pembangunan Masyarakat Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Gajah Mada
(*) Corresponding Author
Ikonos satellite image is an image that has a high spatial resolution with pixel accuracy of one meter for panchromatic
and four-meter multispectral. Spesifkasi IKONOS imagery provides the ability to record an object one meter.
Therefore the use of Ikonos imagery to identify objects and buildings Land Tax (PBB) is dimungkinkan.Untuk
determine the ability of Ikonos imagery in the identification of objects Land and Building Tax (PBB) conducted
research that aims to determine the accuracy of the interpretation of Ikonos imagery for identification of objects
UN, UN to map objects based on Ikonos imagery interpretation, field survey and evaluate the results of Block
Maps uses map image interpretation Ikonos.Penelitian geografi.Pengumpulan using descriptive methods of data
is done through the interpretation of Ikonos imagery, field tests, interviews and documentation. Data analysis is
the analysis of the level of image interpretation, analysis and map overlay analysis. The results showed that the
level of interpretation of Ikonos imagery for identification of objects and the United Nations is 89.54% commission
error is 10.46%. Results from a block map using Ikonos imagery interpretation of evaluation results have not yet
registered 269 objects in the map of Block UN tax. Can be concluded that the Ikonos imagery can be used as the
primary data source for identification of objects.
Key words: Ikonos image, image interpretation, object identification, remote sensing, object of property tax.
and four-meter multispectral. Spesifkasi IKONOS imagery provides the ability to record an object one meter.
Therefore the use of Ikonos imagery to identify objects and buildings Land Tax (PBB) is dimungkinkan.Untuk
determine the ability of Ikonos imagery in the identification of objects Land and Building Tax (PBB) conducted
research that aims to determine the accuracy of the interpretation of Ikonos imagery for identification of objects
UN, UN to map objects based on Ikonos imagery interpretation, field survey and evaluate the results of Block
Maps uses map image interpretation Ikonos.Penelitian geografi.Pengumpulan using descriptive methods of data
is done through the interpretation of Ikonos imagery, field tests, interviews and documentation. Data analysis is
the analysis of the level of image interpretation, analysis and map overlay analysis. The results showed that the
level of interpretation of Ikonos imagery for identification of objects and the United Nations is 89.54% commission
error is 10.46%. Results from a block map using Ikonos imagery interpretation of evaluation results have not yet
registered 269 objects in the map of Block UN tax. Can be concluded that the Ikonos imagery can be used as the
primary data source for identification of objects.
Key words: Ikonos image, image interpretation, object identification, remote sensing, object of property tax.
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