Composite Flowable Fabricated (CFF) Sebagai Alternatif Bahan Pasak Gigi Paska Endodontik

Dwi Warna Aju Fatmawati(1*)
(1) Bagian Konservasi, Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi, Universitas Jember, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali, menganalisis dan membandingkan pasak CCF (plastis) dengan pasak NiTi logam (rigid) sebagai alternatif pasak gigi paska perawatan endodontik yang biokompatibel. Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel elemen gigi insisif rahang atas yang telah disesuaikan dengan kriteria penelitian. Semua sampel gigi diberi perlakuan sesuai dengan kelompoknya. Prosedur kelompok pasak CCF yaitu dengan mengaplikasikan komposit flowable pada saluran akar gigi yang telah dilakukan pengambilan gutta-percha sedalam 2/3 panjang saluran akar dan menyisakan 1/3 gutta-percha di daerah apikal, sampai seluruh saluran akar dan ruang pulpa terisi penuh. Komposit flowable dilakukan penyinaran (curing LED) selama 20 detik. Perlakuan pada kelompok pasak NiTi sama seperti pada kelompok pasak CCF, bedanya pasak NiTi diinsersi menggunakan bahan luting semen ionomer kaca tipe 1. Selanjutnya semua sampel gigi baik yang prefabricated maupun fabricated dilakukan uji three bending point dengan pengaturan sesuai dengan standart ISO10477. Secara deskriptif nilai rerata kelompok pasak NiTi (stiffness = 115,30 N/mm; modulus elastisitas = 9,31 Gpa; flexural = 812 Gpa) lebih besar dari nilai rerata kelompok pasak CFF (stiffness = 35 N/mm; modulus elastisitas = 3,45 Gpa; flexural = 475,8 GPa) dan secara statistik hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara pasak prefabricated (NiTi) dengan fabricated (CFF). Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa walaupun secara deskriptif dan statistik ada perbedaan, namun bahan komposit flowable dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan pasak alternatif dan perlu penelitian lebih lanjut yang sesuai standar keberadaannya sebagai bahan pasak alternatif.
Composite Flowable Fabricated (CFF) as Enddodontic Dental Post alternative. Composite Flowable Fabrcated (CFF). CFF is composite resin that viscous and plastic which used as material to enhance the retention and stability of post endodontic treatment and restoration materials. NiTi post is prefabricated post endodontic that the insertion needs luting material. This study was to explore, analyze, and compare CCF (plastic) and NiTi (rigid) post endodontic as alternative of post endodontic that is compatible. This study used element sample of maxillary incisive tooth. All of teeth sample was taken treatment that was appropriate with the groups. the procedure of CFF post group was to make application of flowable composite in root canal up to full that had been done taking of gutta percha as deep as 2/3 of root canal length and left 1/3 gutta percha in apical area. Flowable composite was cured by LED
for 20 seconds. Treatment of NiTi post group was same with CCF post group, the different NiTi post was inserted using glass ionomer luting type 1. Furthermore all of tooth sample, prefabricated and fabricated, was tested by threebending point with ISO10477. The result showed that mean of NiTi post (stiffness= 115,30 N/mm; modulus elastisitas = 9,31 Gpa; flexural= 812 Gpa) was higher than CFF post (stiffness = 35 N/mm; modulus elastisitas = 3,45 Gpa; flexural= 475,8 GPa); and there was significant different between prefabricated (NiTi) dengan fabricated(CFF) post statistically. Although composite flowable can be used as alternative of post endodontic and needs further research that is suitable with standard of post materials.
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