Pengaruh Sudut Vertikal Terhadap Hasil Ukuran Jarak dan Beda Tinggi Metode Trigonometris Menggunakan Total Station Nikon DTM 352

Parseno Parseno(1*), Yulaikhah Yulaikhah(2)

(*) Corresponding Author


The measurement of heigh differences using trigonometric technique, and Total Station Nikon
DTM 352 is used.It is identified that the use of different vertical angle will produce different
heights for the same point. It is interesting to analyse further that, the errors of distance and
height differences in trigonometric technique are as the function of vertical angle. This research
tries to investigate the phenomenom mentioned above: is there sistimatical error? and how to
corect them ?
This research is initially arranged to include some steps: (1) preparation of instruments, (2)
measurement of distance and height differences in study area using spirit levelling and
trigonometric levelling, (3) Data processing including correction of differences in height
modelling. Evaluation was carried out by comparing both data of observed height differences.
Based on the result of the statistical test, it is found that the variety of vertical angles do not
affect the computed distance and height differences using Total Station. From the data exercises
resulted that the accuracy of height differences is affected by distance and vertical angle,
however for the distance up to 800 m, the improvement is not signifcant. In addition the field
observations also show that the distance greater than 50m , the contribution of the accuracy of
angle to the change of the accuracy of height differences is greater than the contribution of the
accuracy of the distances.
Keywords: height differences,trigonometric levelling, trigonometric technique, Total Station.

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